Friday, September 9, 2011

Restaurant In Bali

Balinesecuisine is known for its spicy ingredients, the Balinese roasted pig 'Babi Guling' is afavorite as well as the Indonesian 'Nasi Goreng' , 'Mie Goreng' or 'Satay' are frequently chosen dishes by foreigners. Other appetizing alternatives such as Chinese or Oriental cuisines are represented in numerable food-stands or restaurants, while European andAmerican foods are now also found in most of the tourist hubs.

Bali offers a wide selection of tropical fruitsas well as various kinds of canned or boxed soft drinks made from them. Bottled mineralwater is served at restaurants and hotels and travellers can protect themselves againstdigestive discomfort by drinking these and not tap water. Excellent domestic made beersand rice wine called 'Brem' or Balinese alcohol 'Arak' and sweet coconut wine 'Tuak'. Ortry hot drinks like : the tasty Balinese coffee or sweet Javanese tea.

In Bali today, you can eat extremely well, and choose from many different national cuisines. Furthermore, the cost is a fraction of what you would pay, for the same quality of food, in any of the world's major cities. When you add to this, for no extra charge, some of the most magnificent dining settings that you could ever imagine, then you know that you really are holidaying in the `land of the gods'.

The Bali Restaurant GuideYour online dining guide to restaurants in Bali!
Whether you're looking for something new to eat or just want to check out your old favorites, we have everything you're looking for right here. This online RestaurantGuide can be searched by location only, by cuisine only,  by location and cuisine,or if you know the Restaurant Name by entering in the name in the space provided or by alphabetical listing.All listings are quantified as to price. This refers to a meal for two persons [food only, drinks not included]. For western style food this is calculated as to the average cost of enjoying three courses, entrée, main and dessert. For Asian style food where, traditionally, the meal is shared by all participants; a mix of entrees [if suitable] and mains to make up a full dinner has been the base used for the price of that establishment.

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